Jul 14, 2006


They say a mother's love is unconditional. It's probably the most conditional of all.

When your baby smiles up at you, that sucker punch to the stomach is the very first time you feel unconditional love... and it's coming right at you, not from you.

A baby knows no one else; there are no comparisons, no higher expectations. You are completely the MOST beautiful, kindest, bravest and most special person in the whole world. All just while being you.No need to impress or dress up.

It's intoxicating. The power rush.

Update: Young N now occassionally tells me I should wear the shoes that are like "this" (he stands on tippy toes) "just coz they look better."

And so it begins.


  1. Good to see you again N. You've got your hands full I'm sure. A baby is such a joy.

    ..And I reckon he'll be a fashion designer, what say?

    Warm regards,

  2. yes, so where art thou, o unediting one?

  3. hey nina. cousin jayashree here. found your blog, nice to stalk you here as well :)


Unedited thoughts?